I don't know if it's just me or if it's anyone whose finished school, but it's a VERY strange feeling to know that I DON'T HAVE ANY HOMEWORK!!! Not like, "my next class doesn't start for another couple of weeks" no homework, but really and truly...NO HOMEWORK! I already volunteer in several areas at my church so I don't really need anything else to fill up missing hours, I was already cramming homework into those hours, it's more like "how is the removal of that stress going to affect my life?" This is a stress that my husband and my son and I have lived with for almost 5 years!
I started college in January of 2010 when my son was not yet 3 and he's never really known a time when Mom didn't have homework or a class to go to and I'm excited about the fact that I have these hours back, but also wondering if I will be able to fill the time! Don't get me wrong, I know that time will keep marching on, but I'm wondering if I will be bored, so to speak. I like being busy, and while I am, most times, VERY busy, I do enjoy the rush of completing that assignment and getting it turned in and that feeling of accomplishment. I will miss that.
I will miss college. I have met some very good friends in my years at the University of Phoenix, I have enjoyed most of my classes, lol. The most interesting paper I got to write was about a case study on Ted Bundy, my favorite paper I got to write was a compare/contrast paper about To Kill A Mockingbird book vs. movie. I've had two favorite presentations, one was when my team and I had to pretend to be a news team and we went the whole nine yards! We dressed up, brought in cameras, made name tags and went for it! My other favorite presentation was one a friend and did where we had to compare and contrast Loki and Bart Simpson. I've had two favorite teachers, one who taught my last class, Mr. Steven Denlinger, and the other was Erin McGibbon Smith, they are VERY different in their styles but VERY, VERY gifted teachers.
I may head back to school in the future in pursuit of a few more initials after my name, but for now, I'll fill those hours with laundry, baking, scrubbing toilets, bible study and being a wife and mom....which isn't boring in the slightest.

First Day of School January 21, 2010 I'm in the back row on the far right
Last day of school September 27, 2014! Still on the far right, lol!!

Graduation day! June 21, 2014