Wednesday, March 9, 2016

This Youth Group Leaders Life :)

As you may have gathered given the sporadic appearance of these blog posts, I'm generally an emotional writer.  :) I write when the mood, or emotion strikes.  In this case, it was a particularly well spoken Tuesday night Youth Group talk last night.

I'll elaborate a little for you, if you don't know much about me, I am a high school youth group leader at my church.  Christ's Church in Federal Way, WA or CCFW in the shorthand, lol.  this is my 5th year leading teenaged girls through their tumultuous high school years and I believe I have found my calling.  This year I have seniors, at least 3 of whom I have known for several years and I know their parents and it's a family type relationship!  A few of the other girls, I only know them and of their families through their laughter, stories and tears.

To tell you what emotion got me writing this I have to go back several years, so bear with me...feel free to drift off if you've heard this part before.  When my husband and I were married about a year (waaay back in 2002, we decided to try to have a baby!  YAY!) we were CERTAIN that we would have NO trouble with this, we were (and are) the perfect couple!  So how could this be difficult for us?!  Not to toot our own horns but anyone who has spent 5 minutes with Trace and I know that we were meant to be :) well, to our great surprise, our baby bliss just wasn't happening!  And because of some internal issues of mine, I never knew whether or I was need of a test or not!  I swear I should have bought pregnancy tests at Costco! 

Fast forward to early 2006, I had recently given my heart and life to the Lord and had a talk with Him one day and very candidly told Him (lol, imagine my gall, to tell HIM anything!) I said, "if You want us to be parents You'll make it happen, so I give up!  This is all on You, only YOU can make this happen!"  In November of 2006 the pregnancy test made a symbol we'd never seen before. The Amazon river bed couldn't hold the water of tears I cried in gratitude. 

**this is just a funny aside, nothing to do with the actual point ;)  I went to my doctor for a blood test THAT SAME DAY lol, and my doctor wasn't even in the office that day actually and I sat and waited 2 hours for the results, the receptionist, told me a couple of times that I could go home and they would call me with the results, but I smiled and told her no, I would wait.**

Ok!  Now, That being said, after our son was born in 2007 we tried another 3 years with no success and in 2010 I ended up having to have a complete hysterectomy.  No more biological babies for us.  We were mostly ok with that. 

In 2008, I think(?) I served a few years with the children's ministry at my church and while I LOVED my 5th graders (now in 11th grade) children's ministry just wasn't the right fit for me.  While I was serving there I was also serving in the high school group of our Awana ministry, called Journey and I found I LOVED the energy and enthusiasm of the high schoolers!

So in 2011 after watching the youth groups annual VBS/Work Party trip to rural Montana presentation, I told the youth pastor at the time, that I REALLY wanted to be a part of the youth group, I probably hounded him and he probably only let me as a last resort lol! 

I was put in as a leader with a group of 10th graders, I was SO nervous!  I was instantly the new kid in school who didn't know who to sit with at lunch haha!  While there was an adjustment period, they got used to me, and the other leader they had that year, and I got used to them, I grew to realize that serving the Lord isn't always about serving but being served. 

I may not have been able to have anymore biological babies, but God knew exactly where I was headed and that if I had had more babies, that maybe I wouldn't have had the time or energy for youth group and all it entails.  As I told one of my girls when they were at my house one night for one of our famous sleepover/cookie baking/movie watching/laughing/staying up way too late/fun fests, I know why God didn't give me any more babies...He was sending me you. 

NOW! That you've waded through all of THAT!  Here's that ACTUAL reason for this blog post haha!!  Our youth pastor Caleb, teaches from the heart and from the brain at the same time!  His teaching style reminds me of a quote I saw on Pinterest once (don't ask me who said it, I have no idea), but the quote was "follow your heart, but take your brain with you".  I'm sure Caleb would have a bit more to add to that but that quote always reminds me of him.  Caleb has the ability to be a friend to the kids without being overbearing yet at the same time can hit them over the head with a book and be like "STOP IT!!!" He's really great for our kids.

So in his Tuesday night talk time last night, Caleb talked about biblical discipline and biblical obedience.  That parents are biblically called to instruct and discipline their children, while children are called to honor their parents. 

No where in the bible does it say "honor thy mother and father....if they're honorable"!  Nope, there are no qualifiers. 

The part that got to me the most was that he was talking to a room full of 14-18ish year olds and told them "do you know how you spell LOVE to your parents?  T-I-M-E".  I was in tears.  He is so right, parents don't want to rule your life or tell you what you should be doing 24 hours a day.  We want to instruct and guide and then gently discipline so that you can (insert cheesy line) spread your wings and live your own life!  We know you want to live independently, and be your own person, but I think that as parents, we can all agree that if we could just get one concept through your head (other than biblical principles and a love of God) we wish you could learn from OUR mistakes, and that with our rules and discipline and checking in and worry and even though you feel like we're constantly on your back.  Just as God the Father loves us enough to correct us and discipline us, if we didn't love you, we wouldn't do those things. 

My mom said something to me a couple of times that at the time she said it, made NO sense "this is going to hurt me, more than it hurts you".  WHAT?!?!  I'm the one getting a spanking!!  I get it now.  While I as a parent may not have an aching backside, my heart hurts when I have to discipline Lucas.  Not only because I know there's a moment of pain, but because I wish he could have learned the lesson before a punishment was necessary.  I know we all do things that require punishment, but just as we hate to punish our children, how much more must God have hated to see Jesus on that cross?  He was punished for someone ELSE'S mistakes and sin!  MINE!  and YOURS!  My heart hurts with gratitude. 

I mess up.  I hurt God's heart.  But just like I love Lucas enough to go back and explain why he was punished and how to not to that again and how to go forward, God leaves us this example in the Bible. 

I am loved.  I am forgiven. 

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